
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Tabula Rasa

 Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa

  1. Make a copy of this document and save it into your English folder

  1. Watch the story..

  1. Write a recount of what you see and what you think has happened.  You can be the robot or the person telling the story.  

  1. Summarize the story using first, next and last using no more than 60 words.

  1. Copy the cartoon link and your completed page onto your blog. 


The robot is walking in the desert and comes across a plant and he looks up at a mountain and decides where to plant it.


He walks to the mountain and climbs up the mountain.


His battery dies and he drops the plant and falls over.Then there is a tree  because it grows over time.

Firstly the robot is walking around the desert.Secondly he finds a plant and he finds a place to plant it.lastly he dies then there is a tree because it grew over time





  1. Copy and paste the link into your search bar and watch the cartoon.

  1. For each scene summarise what you can see 

  1. Summarise the cartoon by using first, next and last using no more than 60 words.

  1. Copy the cartoon link and your completed page onto your blog. 

Scene One:  

At home

I can see a small space and dim light. It reminds me of the burrows I have seen on tv that animals dig out as their home. I can see they are all huddled together sleeping so there is not a lot of room. The inside of the burrow is brown so it is dirt that has been dug under the ground.

Scene Two

 First activity of the day

The meerkats look out of the barrow and see that there is a flower on a tree.

`Scene Three:  

A feared enemy

Then they see the vulture coming over

Scene Four:

Enemies revenge

So the vulture steals the fruit

Scene Five:

The Rescue

The one of the meerkats gets hold of the fruit and then they form a chain. And they get it back.

Scene Six:

Sport nirvana

They were playing rugby and they did a drop kick over the 2 trees and it splattered on the ground

Scene Seven:

The End

One of the meerkats kicks the flower in between the 2 trees

Firstly the meerkats get a fruit. Secondly a vulture steals it. Lastly the meerkats get it back and play rugby.